Natalya Vladichko

Natalya Vladichko
My education as an artist was in the Ukraine, a classical art education with a great deal of emphasis on drawing and painting. Because of this, I always start with a precise drawing or watercolor with a great deal of attention for detail. That focus is the same when I’m making works in glass, the details fascinate me, delicate color changes and graceful movements, always with attention for the space around the objects. The way patterns, textures and movements repeat themselves, changing only slightly each time, and then, coming together to form larger structures, has always fascinated me. In my work, I often take up the challenge that objects which capture my attention pose me, whether those are objects produced by nature or by humans. I take what I see and what I feel happening in those objects of my attention, and design my own progression to continue that evolution. "I go to school" casting glass, mixed media, b47 x h 40 x d27 cm